Sanctified - Victorious - Competent

Gaining knowledge isn’t a problem. Applying it is lot more challenging, especially when you consider how little time we have throughout our busy days to stop, breathe, and just be ourselves.
Let’s be real, no one has the time to turn through pages and pages. Our goal is to ignite a fire in you by giving you exactly what you need to change your life in a positive direction. We do that by giving you only necessary information, motivation and accountability which you can grab easily as well as implement immediately.
“You have to change how you see yourself. You are no longer someone who wait for things to change... You are someone who gets out there and makes change happen.”
And we are here to ensure you to be the change itself, rather than waiting for the change to occur.
By visiting our site, you will find posts on happiness, love, relationships, change, meaning, mindfulness, spirituality, simplicity, minimalism, letting go, and more. We believe in the ideas that make sense and make a big difference when applied. We are here to reflect on simple wisdom so as to learn new ways to apply in our complex lives to complete with responsibilities, struggles, dreams, and relationships.
It’s a lot easier to be who you want to be in this world when you know you are never alone. We are all in this together, and we all have something to teach and something to learn.

Mission Statement
To spread the good news of Jesus Christ, his love and salvation based on Isaiah 50:4, “The Sovereign LORD has given me his words of wisdom, so that I know how to comfort the weary. Morning by morning he wakens me and opens my understanding to his will.”
Simultaneously, demonstrating the Kingdom of God based on I Corinthians 4:20 “For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power.” Through the preach word of God holiness will be declared so, through accepting Christ as Lord, others will be conscious that the presence of the Lord is always with his people.
People of God would be made encouraged to be victorious over fears and other emotions associated with being depraved. Conjointly, emphasizing a walk with godly principles, dignity and lifting up the name of Jesus as the only savior.
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You are my Father; I am your Son - Understanding Kingdom Sonship
Heavenly Prayers to Live Inspired, Empowered and Fulfilled Daily
Women in the Presence of God: Fashioned for the Kingdom of God
Women in the Presence of God: Fashioned for the Kingdom of God
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